
Showing posts from October, 2021

Happy Halloween

 Hello everyone While you all are getting ready for the trick or treat fun, people here are standing in their front windows looking outside, and hoping for a better day.  I have started walking through the village at about noon, and wave to all the faces in the windows.  I came across one student and her grandma--they sit and wait for that wave and "window" visit.  That outreach made my day, but it sure made it for them!! The planes are flying again, I was at the airport when one plane arrived, and few people got off.  Some locals, and some construction workers.  No word on the count today, but yesterday we were down 2. I continue to marvel at the rocks--how those boulders got there!!  Really when you look up--you could swear it is someone looking down on you! As my dear friend, D says, I am finding great personal peace and introspection during this time of  the "existential recess".  Yesterday I started on a project that I have been wanting to do for a long time. 

3 months in the north

 Hello all A magnificent day here in Kangirsuk--about 0 degrees with no wind, a blue, blue sky and amazing sunshine!!  Just the kind of weather that is perfect for sight seeing and walking!    The news from the clinic is not so good, in 12 short days we have gone from one diagnosis of covid to  63.  Word on the street is that the school will close until January, and we will be sent home--stay tuned. The principal has a terrific dog that has been giving me therapy to help me get through this--we enjoy long walks together.  Yesterday, this sweet little black puppy followed us.  He was so cute--but obviously abandoned--a lot of that here.  Many local people want to start an SPCA group to deal with the many homeless dogs and cats.    Construction people come, feed the babies and then they leave.  These poor animals just disappear into the hinterland. For the past few days, I have found some really neat art projects, so I have been "arting" up a storm.  I hope I get to use some of

Week 11 of the great adventure

 Hi all Well, one week later, we now have 28 cases of covid.  It is  a disaster.  No one knows what is going to happen.  For sure, school is closed next week, but there is a lot of speculation about what we will be required to do--provide day care for essential workers, learn how to give nose swabs, prepare home work, package up food and the list goes on. Today 4 planes came and went.  We suspect they were medi evacuations as the planes only stayed for moments. Two of my colleagues and I walked 3 k this afternoon, had a few good laughs, and took pictures.  One of the ladies is a retired principal from the rougher section of Montreal.  She is an excellent photographer, and I will enclose a couple of pictures that she took of the many Arctic fox we saw. You can  keep up with drama as  it unfolds by tuning into Kangirsuk online. My lovely teacher partner across the hall. Yes--amazing! Very cute, but very dangerous! Same rock formation from different views. This  driver is facing toward hi

Week 10.5

 Hello there Yes, another blog so soon--but hey--what is there to do in lockdown? Actually, there is plenty to do.  I spent a fair amount of time today trying to figure out the basics of smartboard.  It is a neat tool, but with my less then stellar computer skills, I had quite a day of frustration. But as a good friend of mine says--these are learning opportunities!!  I did learn a lot, and I have some confidence now in how to use it to make my teaching more effective and efficient--it's like everything else, practice, practice, practice.  There is always tomorrow and a new skill just around the corner. In between meal making and the computer I fit in a couple of walks.  The walk this morning was over to the launch.  The container ship is in, and it has unloaded supplies for the construction sites (new arena, housing), and containers of supplies for the community (food, cars, snowmobiles, atv's)It was interesting watching the two little tug boats, the wooden barge and the heavy

Week 10 of the northern adventure

 Greetings all Another interesting week here in the north.  I am  beginning to understand the culture of the place--every where in the world, there is a culture--a system of how people communicate, and make their way.   Each place is unique, and unlocking the "system" is the challenge, the fun, and the adventure.  Don't think for a moment that this is easy--NOT!! I guess that is the adventure--not quite knowing what is going to happen.  This is the outside, but, what about the inside?? I mean the person that you are inside--your concerns, hopes, expectations, assumptions and  priorities?  They  may not jive with where you are--so, what do you do and how do you survive? We had a fire drill this week.  There is one fire truck in the village, and about 3 water trucks.  There are no fire hydrants because of the perma frost.  Two years ago, the arena burned down--no way to save it!!  The fire department is made up of volunteers  mostly.  We got out of the school easily, and ev