Week 10.5

 Hello there

Yes, another blog so soon--but hey--what is there to do in lockdown?

Actually, there is plenty to do.  I spent a fair amount of time today trying to figure out the basics of smartboard.  It is a neat tool, but with my less then stellar computer skills, I had quite a day of frustration. But as a good friend of mine says--these are learning opportunities!!  I did learn a lot, and I have some confidence now in how to use it to make my teaching more effective and efficient--it's like everything else, practice, practice, practice.  There is always tomorrow and a new skill just around the corner.

In between meal making and the computer I fit in a couple of walks.  The walk this morning was over to the launch.  The container ship is in, and it has unloaded supplies for the construction sites (new arena, housing), and containers of supplies for the community (food, cars, snowmobiles, atv's)It was interesting watching the two little tug boats, the wooden barge and the heavy equipment needed to move stuff around--big boy toys!!

This afternoon, I took my neighbour's dog up the mountain behind my place--always so interesting to see the rocks and the rock formations.  It looks like the rocks grow right out of the ground.  I also love the way the boulders on the hills look like people--the ancestors--and how there is always a big rock that is prominent--no doubt, the leader.  I guess there is a metaphor there somewhere.

The covid is getting worse--one case on Saturday, 2 cases on Sunday, and 7 cases today, Tuesday.  I don't think we will be back at school any time soon.  We are officially closed until October 25, but something tells me it will be longer then that.  Total cases in Kativik:  18.  The communities affected are  Kangirsuk 7, Ivujivik 11.  It is community spread, and it spread in the school.

The ship, the ship!

One of two tub boats--you can see the wooden barge.

A pre fab off of the freighter.

Containers with supplies for the village.

The winch.
The beach boulders.

Sea weed.

Looks like the rocks are growing.

These rocks come up like slabs.

My favourite--the ancestors and the leader.
Old housing--wooden frame.

New housing--pre fab.
Getting water from the water truck.

This is a high school kid--his spare time job--good thing--nobody else wants to do this work!


  1. so interesting, Helene. Thank you for sharing. Stay safe!

  2. Well, you are certainly experiencing a different world, Helene. I hope no one is seriously ill and that the lockdown can be lifted soon. Take care of yourself.


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