Week 10 of the northern adventure

 Greetings all

Another interesting week here in the north.  I am  beginning to understand the culture of the place--every where in the world, there is a culture--a system of how people communicate, and make their way.   Each place is unique, and unlocking the "system" is the challenge, the fun, and the adventure.  Don't think for a moment that this is easy--NOT!!

I guess that is the adventure--not quite knowing what is going to happen.  This is the outside, but, what about the inside?? I mean the person that you are inside--your concerns, hopes, expectations, assumptions and  priorities?  They  may not jive with where you are--so, what do you do and how do you survive?

We had a fire drill this week.  There is one fire truck in the village, and about 3 water trucks.  There are no fire hydrants because of the perma frost.  Two years ago, the arena burned down--no way to save it!! 

The fire department is made up of volunteers  mostly.  We got out of the school easily, and everyone was accounted for.  So, it was a good exercise.

There are about 15 young people here to assist with programs in the school.   One of the institutions is Frontier College--these young people are  20 and older--working on degrees.  Their mandate is to experience the rural areas, and to tutor and support programs.  There are other institutions here as well, but I don't know the names of them-- but they do the same thing.  One of the neat afterschool programs is "Circus", where kids learn juggling and other circus skills.  They have chess club, art, music and other activities.  One evening a week they have power rangers--these kids learn about survival, hunting and fishing.

One of the young people came in to do some art with my students--a great experience.  One other helper is working with a student of mine who is very good in math.  It is a nice addition  to the community.

Fortunately, we have clean water and lots of it!!


 Super helper!

The moon over the school.

This child has begged to learn the ukulele--she is doing so well!!

Yes, the Arctic Fox is the white dot.

Sunset at the sewage plant.

solar panel

Fetching the stick in our clean lake--our water source.


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