Happy Halloween

 Hello everyone

While you all are getting ready for the trick or treat fun, people here are standing in their front windows looking outside, and hoping for a better day.  I have started walking through the village at about noon, and wave to all the faces in the windows.  I came across one student and her grandma--they sit and wait for that wave and "window" visit.  That outreach made my day, but it sure made it for them!!

The planes are flying again, I was at the airport when one plane arrived, and few people got off.  Some locals, and some construction workers.  No word on the count today, but yesterday we were down 2.

I continue to marvel at the rocks--how those boulders got there!!  Really when you look up--you could swear it is someone looking down on you!

As my dear friend, D says, I am finding great personal peace and introspection during this time of  the "existential recess".  Yesterday I started on a project that I have been wanting to do for a long time.  It is the transcription of all of the 60  some letters my dad wrote to my mother during their courtship and early marriage while he was serving in the navy in WWII.   My mother kept these letters in their original envelopes, in sequential order from the love notes written to her when she worked at Empress hotel  to the last letter dated December  31, 1944.  The letters are all written on Canadian YMCA letter head, and      all are stamped "from HMC  ship examined by  DB/N.

On the front of the scrap book, my mother wrote, "please don't open this book, whoever you are!"  I hope she won't mind now!!

Close up of the Quebec flag.

Here, you can see it from my house.
Here are samples of the rock harvest!

Someone moved the chair to a new place!


  1. Thanks for your many blogs.....so many natural sculptures that are so artistic and gives one the opportunity to thrust one's imagination into a new realm. Have you had a chance to take any pics of the Aurora Borealis? Tonight is suppose to be a spectacular night array. P & P

  2. And a Halloween greeting to you, Helene. I love the rock photos. I got this from a FB friend from Ireland. She posted this today (Oct 31) with photos of her late father. I think I might copy and post some pics of my parents. A neat day to think of those who have gone before, like your mom and dad.
    "Best wishes on this Samhain (pronounced sowhen), the end of the harvest and the eve of the first day of winter in the Celtic calendar.....this celebration notes that the veil between this world & the other is very thin at this time and those that have gone before us are close....a grand time to bring out some old photos, and remember our dear ones around the fire ❤"

  3. Window visits are a wonderful way to brighten someones day. You are so kind. And now that you've started that pattern, you will need to continue a they look forward to it. And I'll bet the word will spread.


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