
Showing posts from December, 2023

Christmas message

 Merry Christmas Yes, Christmas is just around the corner!  Yahoo.  I have plans A, B and C in place for getting out of here.  Plan A, is that we get out on Tuesday, as planned and everything goes according  the schedule.  Plan B, is that we get to Montreal, and maybe have a lay over, and plan C is, I will get to coast when I get to the coast. Although the weather isn't as cold as Kangirsuk, the storms are worse, and the snow fall is enormous!!  We had the  full on blizzard, Thursday and Friday.  It is a blizzard when winds are over 50 k an an hour, and visibility is limited.  The winds have slowed down to about 30 k an hour, but the snow continues to fall.  According to the weather man, Monday and Tuesday should be clear, but the weather can change. We were back at work on Friday, but stayed home because of the blizzard.  Last night, we all managed to make it to our Christmas party in the gym.  We all made something--I did a frozen veg casserole, which was pretty good because it w

Thursday December 14, 2023

 Ho, Ho, HO And a merry season to you!  The strike drags on.  We are supposed to go back to school, tomorrow, Friday, then Monday, leaving Tuesday.  We have a blizzard, so school would have been closed today, and will likely be closed for tomorrow.   So, we have just made the decision to have "Christmas in January, concert".  You wouldn't believe how stressed people are.   As you know, the Inuit staff make considerably less money then others, because of their qualifications.  So this strike is really hitting them hard.  Also, the Inuit staff is largely women, who are caregivers for large, extended families.  I had a chat about this with the principal, and she found a fund that she could tap into.  She got the word this morning that she has a $10,000 fund for Christmas hampers.  We have put a team together, and we are shopping on Monday for food staples, for all staff who want it.   I was able to send the news out today on our staff group, and the reaction was of relief, a

Saturday December 9, 2023

The beautiful print I bought at the craft sale Rabbit fur Other pelts Died pelts On strike Grade 3 music class playing beat and rhythm to Christmas songs.  Happy December Wow, the time has really gone quickly.  The weather is not as cold as Kangirsuk.  But, the winds are much stronger.  We did our first day of picket duty yesterday in 40 to 60 k winds.  The group was positive--but this is a cover for the dire straights some of these individuals are in.  Most of the Inuit staff are women, and they are supporting large, extended families with one income.  Tough times for them, especially at this time of year.  Our dear principal is taking steps to find financial support for them. Today, I walked up to the coop just for something to do, and to buy some supplies for making casseroles.  Where else will you see pelts of all kinds for sale!!  Many women here make their clothes, including parkas.  The fur is an essential part of this because it insulates the face against the snow and blowing w

December 3, 2023

 Hello all Can you believe that it is December!!  Wow, where has the time gone!! Interesting times in Quebec.  The public sector is made up of folks like us, nurses, and other middle class workers.  There are about 560,000 all told.  Although we belong to separate unions, we all come under the public sector umbrella.  The French teacher's union in Montreal has been out since our last 3 day strike, without pay.  Our union is threatening to go out on Friday Dec. 8 to Friday Dec. 14 if an agreement is not reached. In any case, we are going ahead with our Christmas concert, on Friday Dec. 15.  I am overwhelmed at the support the staff is giving the event.  Last Friday, within an hour, the whole school was decked out in Christmas decorations, including a fabulous, fully trimmed, Christmas tree.  Everyone wore something red and green, and everyone smiled and carried on like everything was ok.  It might be a short week, but everyone is prepared.  Apparently, this will be the first real Ch