Saturday December 9, 2023

The beautiful print I bought at the craft sale

Rabbit fur

Other pelts

Died pelts

On strike

Grade 3 music class playing beat and rhythm to Christmas songs.

 Happy December

Wow, the time has really gone quickly.  The weather is not as cold as Kangirsuk.  But, the winds are much stronger.  We did our first day of picket duty yesterday in 40 to 60 k winds.  The group was positive--but this is a cover for the dire straights some of these individuals are in.  Most of the Inuit staff are women, and they are supporting large, extended families with one income.  Tough times for them, especially at this time of year.  Our dear principal is taking steps to find financial support for them.

Today, I walked up to the coop just for something to do, and to buy some supplies for making casseroles.  Where else will you see pelts of all kinds for sale!!  Many women here make their clothes, including parkas.  The fur is an essential part of this because it insulates the face against the snow and blowing wind better then even a balaclava.

There was a Christmas bazaar last week.  I got a lovely print.  There were some very nice things, but no carvings.  The carvings are done in Nunavut.

My little guitar class played really well at our last class.  The high school kids will not sing.  So, I have been playing keyboad (as best as I can, never have been very good at it) to fill in the melody.  The students can strum and do some picking.  We also have a bass guitar, and it fills in the tonic.  They are confident enought to play Jingle Bells for the teacher choir at the concert, if we have a concert.

My grade 3's have exceeded my expectations.  I created a little song to the tune of Row, row, your boat, which they can all sing independently, and together.  They are finding their singing voices.  And, they can play the melody on the bells.  They also are ready to sing and dance the Hokey Pokey--if not now, I guess we can always do it in the new year.  They are loving the singing games that I have done in the past.  They never go out of style.

Right now, the plan is to be on strike until Dec. 14.  Have school on Dec. 15, and 16 and close on the 17th.  If an agreement is not reached by then, there will be a strike until an agreement is reached, beginning in the new year.  Not the happiest of news.  Over 460,000 people are striking.


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