Thursday December 14, 2023

 Ho, Ho, HO

And a merry season to you!  The strike drags on.  We are supposed to go back to school, tomorrow, Friday, then Monday, leaving Tuesday.  We have a blizzard, so school would have been closed today, and will likely be closed for tomorrow.  

So, we have just made the decision to have "Christmas in January, concert".  You wouldn't believe how stressed people are.  

As you know, the Inuit staff make considerably less money then others, because of their qualifications.  So this strike is really hitting them hard.  Also, the Inuit staff is largely women, who are caregivers for large, extended families.  I had a chat about this with the principal, and she found a fund that she could tap into.  She got the word this morning that she has a $10,000 fund for Christmas hampers.  We have put a team together, and we are shopping on Monday for food staples, for all staff who want it.  

I was able to send the news out today on our staff group, and the reaction was of relief, and happiness.  We have a full roster of volunteers for Monday.

Being on strike also has had its benefits.  I have taken the time to speak to each Inuit staff, and to get to know them a little bit.  They have stories, and it has actually been the silver lining in all of this.  I can't report on paper, but when I see you, I will share some of the joy and despair that they have experienced, and continue to experience.

The blizzard is so bad, all the windows in my house are covered in snow.  I can't even see the school that is just across the street.  

Hope to see many of you over the holidays!!

On the line.

coffee tent

Making home made Christmas cards


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