December 3, 2023

 Hello all

Can you believe that it is December!!  Wow, where has the time gone!!

Interesting times in Quebec.  The public sector is made up of folks like us, nurses, and other middle class workers.  There are about 560,000 all told.  Although we belong to separate unions, we all come under the public sector umbrella.  The French teacher's union in Montreal has been out since our last 3 day strike, without pay.  Our union is threatening to go out on Friday Dec. 8 to Friday Dec. 14 if an agreement is not reached.

In any case, we are going ahead with our Christmas concert, on Friday Dec. 15.  I am overwhelmed at the support the staff is giving the event.  Last Friday, within an hour, the whole school was decked out in Christmas decorations, including a fabulous, fully trimmed, Christmas tree.  Everyone wore something red and green, and everyone smiled and carried on like everything was ok.  It might be a short week, but everyone is prepared.  Apparently, this will be the first real Christmas since the pandemic.  Nothing has happened since 2019.

As you know from my earlier comments, it is really hard to get teachers here.  From k to grade 2, all students are in Inuktitut class, with Inuktitut teachers.  Our primary end is having problems getting teachers.  Someone is sick, some one had an accident, some one is out having a baby.  The grade 1 class has a rotation of people through--not the best.  When I asked the latest sub what they were doing for the concert, she said she thought Silent Night---but who knows who the teacher will be.  Finally, one person has agreed to be the grade 1 teacher until Christmas.  She is a lovely young Inuit woman.  I am playing for her, and she is teaching the Silent Night in Inuk--I might even learn something!!

She is so gentle, so sweet, so quiet--and the children really respond--I am getting a good education.

The blizzard lasted 3 days, but it is over, and our weather is beginning to get really cold.  It is very windy here--winds up to 50 kph very often, so you just have to dress for it.  When it milds up, that is the time to worry about a weather event.   Looks like we are not having any severe weather for now.  I just hope we get out on Dec. 19.  I have plan A, plan B and plan C.  For sure this year, I am travelling with my back pack and a carry on--no more lost luggage and no more waiting in Montreal for up to 2 hours to claim baggage.

Our photo for the theme, working together.  We didn't win, but I think it is a pretty good picture of how we are doing.

This child loves playing teacher!!  Reminds her of me and my dad!!!  He used to play school with me!!  Ha, ha.

When the sun shines, it is beautiful!

My garden is a huge success.  I brought a cheap blender, so my green  smoothies aren't the vita mix blend, but they are still good.

The children love puzzles.  They have to work together on them.

These little boys hate art.  But look what they made!!!   These felt images will be in a book that the school is publishing on an Inuit legend.  Two elders told the story, the children are re telling it and illustrating it.  The book will be published in French, Inuk, and English.  It is a very good project.


  1. I saw about the Quebec teacher's strike and thought of you and how you might be on the picket line. Hopefully not. I really like your greens garden. I would love to learn more about that.

  2. The kids look happy. I'm glad the school is coming together for the Christmas program. They need something like this after COVID. A community event to celebrate and showcase their learning.


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