
Showing posts from October, 2023

One month later..

 Hello It has been another busy week.  The place is starting to grow on me.  I am so surprised at the warmth of the people here.  One day last week, I went shopping at the coop.  Someone asked if I would like to go, so I did, but I didn't have my bags with me--only the back pack, so some of the heavier items like the pumpkin, and some cans had to go into a box.  As I was struggling to get all this stuff to the door, and then into the truck, a grade 8 boy, whom I have met on the play ground, came over and asked if I needed any help--of course, please.  He picked everything up, and packed it to the truck.   At the staff meeting on Friday, I asked if any locals knew about the Inuit drumming.  They all said it wasn't done here, just in Nunavut.  I was a little disappointed.  But, they did say a villager could come and teach us the throat singing--that will be neat. This afternoon, after my walk, I went to the school to prep for next week. Our behaviour tech is a young Inuit lad who

8 more weeks until the holidays!!

 Hello Well, life has settled into a routine.  My honeymoon period is over, and we are moving forward--ever be it one step at a time.  I am very lucky to have a great schedule--and I get the kids for the bread and butter time--8:45 til 11:15 3 out of 5 days.  On the other two mornings, I have them all morning.  I teach them and the french grade 4's music three times a week, and that is at 1:30.  The music has been going well, but today the 2 little boys could not hold it together, so 1 went to the time out chair, and the other one screamed and yelled--the girls and I carried on.  The behavior aid came in and it took him 23 minutes to calm the little boy down.  He left without a word..welcome Helene!! Weather is quite moist, but today, it turned into snow.  It is about zero, roads are icy, and the snow stayed. Water continues to be an issue.  The new water plant still is not ready.  A big freighter came in today and delivered some heavy duty equipment--saw it going by--we will see. 

Week 2, Ivujivik

 Greetings all Well, I have survived the transition--was a little bumpy with one child, but I think we are well on our way to working together.  I must say the students here are really lovely, polite, and hard working.  The school is working on respect.  Everytime someone does something nice, that class gets a kind of sticker.  Which ever class collects the most stickers within a 2 week time frame, gets a prize--like a pizza lunch.  While my class was in gym, 3 secondary students showed up at the door and asked if they could help--I put them to work.  They left, with their stickers--and no sooner had they gone when 3 more turned up!!  I gave them more jobs, and they left with their stickers!!  Quite different from the last 2 years. At 3:45, we were all invited to the gym.  The purpose was to celebrate the super admin leaders.  The staff prepared beautiful snacks, and food, and they also had purchased to lovely tee shirts saying super admin, which we all signed.  Now that is a first for

Welcome to Nuvviti School, Ivujivik, Quebec

Nuvviti school.  My classroom is third to the left on the bottom floor.  This is what I see out of my living room window.  Well--here we go again I won't say it is the last time--ha, ha!! Left the Comox Valley on September 30, and was expected to arrive here on the 1 of October--weather too bad in Ivujivik, so I had a lovely overnight at my favorite hotel in Montreal!!  I got here Monday evening, and was welcomed by the principal, Sylvie, and the lady who replaced me, Sylvie--whom I worked with 2 years ago.  We had a lovely catch up over a yummy dinner of ribs! Day one at school was a busy one, it is all a blurr--but it has been fun.  I started with 3 students, and now I have 4.  I have yet to have them all on the same day!!  They are quite sweet, not at all like the last crowd.  One child is very far ahead, so that will be my challenge--keeping her going and motivated. The school is focusing on anti bullying--so we had a good week of creating a great poster, reading the little boo