8 more weeks until the holidays!!


Well, life has settled into a routine.  My honeymoon period is over, and we are moving forward--ever be it one step at a time.  I am very lucky to have a great schedule--and I get the kids for the bread and butter time--8:45 til 11:15 3 out of 5 days.  On the other two mornings, I have them all morning.  I teach them and the french grade 4's music three times a week, and that is at 1:30.  The music has been going well, but today the 2 little boys could not hold it together, so 1 went to the time out chair, and the other one screamed and yelled--the girls and I carried on.  The behavior aid came in and it took him 23 minutes to calm the little boy down.  He left without a word..welcome Helene!!

Weather is quite moist, but today, it turned into snow.  It is about zero, roads are icy, and the snow stayed.

Water continues to be an issue.  The new water plant still is not ready.  A big freighter came in today and delivered some heavy duty equipment--saw it going by--we will see.  It is a good reminder that water is one of our most valuable things!!!

Airport--everyone runs to help when this cargo plane arrives.

My unit is the bottom, right side.

Stuff that was dropped off by the freighter that you can see in the distance.

My big win!

Our brand new aprons.

Love this cake making

And now, for the eating!!

Freighter in today to unload the heavy equipment to fix the water plant.

Lucky for me I can go to the school to get water from the in-school water treatment center, for drinking and cooking water.

On Wednesday night, the staff had a pot luck in the gym, followed by some fun games--and I won big!!  I won the nespresso machine--I have it half set up, and will figure out how to use it tomorrow.  I also won a lovely throw for the couch, and a gag prize--mouse trap---no mice here, however.

The coop is about 1 k from the school, uphill.  I have been walking there, and usually someone stops to pick me up.  A lovely way to meet the locals!!

Living in this wood frame 4 plex, on the bottom floor, is just confirming my decision to move to a steel and concrete building.  These girls party hardy nearly every night!  Maybe I am just jealous that they do not invite me---not really!!  The local police guy is here every night too, so I guess that is a good thing!

Tomorrow, the janitor is coming for lunch.  He is  a great guy, and so helpful--nothing is too much--so the very least I can do is make him lunch.

The students really enjoyed our first cooking lesson yesterday, chocolate cake.  Today we put icing on it, had a few pieces and then we gave it away.  They have requested grilled cheese next week, so that is what we will do!

Term 1 is over.  Term 1 starts next week.  

Now for Halloween!!!


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