
Showing posts from September, 2021

Week 8

 Hi there Another week filled with some gains and some losses.  It is so difficult to move forward when you have a poor attendance record to begin with, and shorten weeks for various reasons.  This was another  3 day week.  In any event, I got what I wanted, an adventure in human relations, insight into the minds of children, creating creative opportunities and sprinkling  love, compassion, care and understanding. After all, what is learning all about?? The really interesting thing is that I do not feel isolated at all.  I have everything I need in my palace.  I am totally immersed in what I am doing, and the days fly by.  I am totally focused on the day to day, trying to find the connection to the children that will open their minds, and learn.  My best day so far was when I had 4 children, and we played the little reading and English games I  brought.  They just couldn't get enough.  I could see that their minds were working, they were using English, speaking in full sentences an

Week 7

 Week 7 Hello all School is beginning to fall into a routine-- but  it is difficult to make much progress when Quebec Hydro keeps shutting down the school --last week we lost 1.5 days.  When you consider that I see those kids from about 9:30 to noon with recess in between, it is pretty tough to make much head way.  But, I am doing my best!! Got my Bell telephone bill for one month--it was $197.00  And I have used the phone about 7 times!!! No cell service, so a home phone is a must.   Gives you an idea of the cost of living here.  Fortunately, the housing is subsidized, so I only pay $70 a month for this two bedroom place, and all utilities!!! These newer places are built on metal platforms, above the perma frost.  The places are duplexes.  I can hear when my neighbours run up and down stairs, and when they open and close the doors--the whole place shudders. They can also hear me!! I think I mentioned that the entrances are equipped with 2 doors-- an outer door and an inner door.  I su

Week 6 of the northern adventure

 Hello The weather has been so summer like--much better then August.  We did have a storm last Friday that dumped some snow, but it is all gone.  Today, the sun is shining! We had a grade 3/4 outing last Wednesday to a place called Payne River.  You can look it up online.  This is where outsiders are invited to fish--excellent fishing grounds around the big rocks.   There are also many seals in this area--the locals go there for fishing and sealing.   The purpose of the outing was berry picking, fishing, seal hunting, and eating. 4 "canoes"  took everyone.  I was in the school canoe with the children who did not have parents, all of the other kids went with their families.  It was about a 2 hour run.  The day was glorious--so sunny and warm, but  many mosquitoes--the giant size.  Upon arrival, the picnic with  dried char, dried caribou jerky, hot dogs and coffee, got underway.  Following that, people drifted   away to activities of their choice.  I went berry picking.  I gave

Helenenorth Week 4

  Helenenorth   Week 4 This week I will talk about the most IMPORTANT thing that we have and in the south, really take for granted--yes--water.  Although Kangirsuk is right on the water, usable water, drinking water, is at a premium. You can get the drinking water yourself for free, if you go to the pump--I fill up my water bottles there.  This is safe to drink.  At home, water from the tap is boiled before using--even for brushing teeth!!  This station is about  1,000 steps away, down a steep hill. You can see that there is also a water truck that visits homes, and fills up tanks for drinking water.   You note that the tank is white.  The truck with the yellow tank is the honey truck. We all are on septic, and the yellow truck is supposed to visit you every two weeks.  Well--that depends on who feels like working!  Last week, the school had to close down because no one came to pump out the system.  My friends who live across from the school   had to wait for a week until someone came.