Helenenorth Week 4

 Helenenorth   Week 4

This week I will talk about the most IMPORTANT thing that we have and in the south, really take for granted--yes--water.  Although Kangirsuk is right on the water, usable water, drinking water, is at a premium.

You can get the drinking water yourself for free, if you go to the pump--I fill up my water bottles there.  This is safe to drink.  At home, water from the tap is boiled before using--even for brushing teeth!!  This station is about  1,000 steps away, down a steep hill.

You can see that there is also a water truck that visits homes, and fills up tanks for drinking water.   You note that the tank is white.  The truck with the yellow tank is the honey truck.

We all are on septic, and the yellow truck is supposed to visit you every two weeks.  Well--that depends on who feels like working!  Last week, the school had to close down because no one came to pump out the system.  My friends who live across from the school   had to wait for a week until someone came.  And, another young couple with a toddler, had to wait a week for someone to flush out their place.  Needless to say, we all must conserve our water, flush less, shower for moments only, and wash clothing once a week.  

We all have the alarm in our house --if it is yellow--look out!!  And red--yikes--NO WATER

For times like that we all have the blue bottle filled with reserve water.

The weather has  been pretty nice this week.  Today, no wind, so lots of giant mosquitoes, and temperature of about 16--lots of sun.  I still am hacking away, so plan on lying around today, drinking lemon and honey and generally relaxing--NO SCHOOL work.  I have to get over this cold--no voice, so all our music lessons are like raps--ha, ha--but we can do the Hokey Pokey,  Head and Shoulders, When you're happy, Hello, Goodbye, an the ABC song.

Berry picking--the face for the camera!

Filling the water bottle.

Look out for the  yellow!

Yup, two bottles of extra water!

The water truck


  1. The things most of us take for granted, eh. Here is to your button not turning yellow! I hope the long weekend of relaxing is beneficial to you. Sounds like a nasty cold/sore throat. Cheers......from still dry Sidney...........although the Sooke Reservoir is still ok, apparently.

  2. Oh wow, we take so much for granted! You are a real trouper, Helene. Get better.

  3. You are always the teacher. I am learning so much from you! Thank you

  4. We don’t like the report of your throat. It sounds like like you might need a tried and true gargle! Did you forget to pack the Scotch? Does your general store have important libations, like scotch, schnapps; dark rum also works well in hot water with your honey and lemon juice. Water is truly such a precious commodity of life….we in the city just assume that there will first class drinkable water springing forth every time we turn the tap handle. Does the community have any sort of lending library either local or regional? We hope that you will get on the mend real quick. Are masks mandatory inside buildings and the school? Thinking of you as you continue on your northern journey. Keep writing and blogging. Love ya, P & P


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