Week 7

 Week 7

Hello all

School is beginning to fall into a routine-- but  it is difficult to make much progress when Quebec Hydro keeps shutting down the school --last week we lost 1.5 days.  When you consider that I see those kids from about 9:30 to noon with recess in between, it is pretty tough to make much head way.  But, I am doing my best!!

Got my Bell telephone bill for one month--it was $197.00  And I have used the phone about 7 times!!! No cell service, so a home phone is a must.   Gives you an idea of the cost of living here.  Fortunately, the housing is subsidized, so I only pay $70 a month for this two bedroom place, and all utilities!!!

These newer places are built on metal platforms, above the perma frost.  The places are duplexes.  I can hear when my neighbours run up and down stairs, and when they open and close the doors--the whole place shudders. They can also hear me!!

I think I mentioned that the entrances are equipped with 2 doors-- an outer door and an inner door.  I suppose it is to keep the heat in!!

And, here is a picture of the old and new Anglican Church.  Seems that this area was not affected by the residential school system.

You will note the little  brown  building with the white frame--I thought it was  a prayer place like they have in Thailand--but no--this is where bodies are stored for burial during the winter months!!  

Today is a west coast day with big winds, sleeting rain, and dark grey clouds--yesterday was amazingly beautiful and sunny--again like the coast!!

New Church, old church, burial  building.

Double doors

                                                        Houses built on stilts!!


  1. A burial building! I'm so glad that you are there to enlighten us about problems that we would never think about.

    I wonder why the students aren't in school longer each day?

  2. I was wondering why the short school day. Do you know the reasons?

  3. Good thing they pay your heating bills. At the price of the telephone, I can't imagine how much it would cost to stay warm.

  4. Great to hear from you Helene...keep posting and stay warm....


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