
Showing posts from August, 2021
End of week 3 Hello all What fun filled week.  The big day for graduation was yesterday.   The seven grads from last year, appeared in cap and gown (I forgot my phone, so no pictures).   They stood on the front steps of the school as the principal presented them and talked about how proud she was of them.  Following that, the one firetruck from the town came and the grads sat  on top.  The firetruck led a parade made up of the school bus, pick up trucks filled with kids, and ATV's.  Around the town we drove honking and cheering. Today, however, the school was pretty empty--I guess there were many celebrations last night. At 10:30 this morning, the principal announced that the school would be closing because there was no running water, and the  septic  needed to be emptied.  A nice 3 day weekend--and I need it as I have had a terrible sore throat, runny nose and  no voice!! This afternoon, I am having folks help me get my tv going.  It has been a hassle--and I still have no phone, t
 Second week done!!!  18 more weeks until Christmas!! Hello everyone: It has been very busy getting settled in.  Trying to unpack 20 boxes, and get situated in the new class room and school has indeed been crazy.  Tonight for the first time, I actually have time to reflect on what has and is happening. As you can see from the pictures it is pretty barren, and well above the treeline.  There is beauty, if you look.  I sent some pictures from our walk last Sunday.  Today, we took the children berry picking.  The berries are tiny, tiny, tiny.  You have to pick quite a few to just fill a small sandwich bag. The first picture is towards Ungava Bay-those two little kids were very serious about berry picking.   The second picture is that of a couple of children really enjoying the eating part. There are also many wild mushrooms.  I am not sure if you can eat these brown ones, but you can eat the white ones--they look like the button mushrooms you get in the store, but they have way better fla

The trip

 Hello everyone: Here is my first story!!              The flights were excellent--yes, first class---this is a new experience for me!  Good connections in Calgary, and an easy taxi ride to the hotel in Montreal. Tomorrow I must take another covid 72 hour test.  The one I did in Nanaimo was too early, so thanks to my principal, I can do the test tomorrow, and fly up to Kangirsuk on Tuesday.  That means I will have time to do a little sight seeing in lovely Montreal!!   I have not been here for about 40 years--so it should be good!! Lots of people travelling.  The first thing you get on the flight is a wipe--so everything is focused on keeping  the virus out!! I  will let you know when I get to Kangirsuk--looking forward to it!!