End of week 3

Hello all

What fun filled week.  The big day for graduation was yesterday.   The seven grads from last year, appeared in cap and gown (I forgot my phone, so no pictures).   They stood on the front steps of the school as the principal presented them and talked about how proud she was of them.  Following that, the one firetruck from the town came and the grads sat  on top.  The firetruck led a parade made up of the school bus, pick up trucks filled with kids, and ATV's.  Around the town we drove honking and cheering.

Today, however, the school was pretty empty--I guess there were many celebrations last night.

At 10:30 this morning, the principal announced that the school would be closing because there was no running water, and the  septic  needed to be emptied.  A nice 3 day weekend--and I need it as I have had a terrible sore throat, runny nose and  no voice!!

This afternoon, I am having folks help me get my tv going.  It has been a hassle--and I still have no phone, though I ordered one the minute I got here.  There is no cell service here.  We all rely on messenger--that seems to work--and of course my Chinese wechat works.   I still have Ryan, and we continue our zoom lessons at 6:00am on Friday morning and 8:30 pm on Saturday night--there is a 12 hour difference here.

The house I am in is a duplex.  It is built on metal stilts to accommodate the perma frost, and the shifting of the ground.   It is very comfortable, and I really like it.         

It has a double front door.  The first door you open goes into a kind of mud room with hooks and closet.  There is an inside door that closes over the outdoor.  My colleagues say the snow  goes all the way up to the front door.

Today is sunny and 12.  On these days, the mosquitoes fly--and they are HUGE.  They also have small black flies that are really nasty--they draw blood.

The best thing that happened today was when little A hugged and kissed me.  He started to cry when he had to go home.   Such a sweet kid, very smart--no mom (abandoned)   He asked if he call me grandma--so sweet--is it worth it---absolutely!


  1. The house has all the basics but don't plan on making a berry pie!

  2. Hi again, Helene. Thanks for the blog. Good on ya! Love, Dennis T.

  3. I love how you see beauty in all. Thank you for sharing,

  4. Elmo and Cookie Monster! Quite the bedspread. Are all the soft furnishings provided or are they yours? Take care of that sore throat/cold. Is there a medical clinic in town where you have it checked out? I enjoy the blog and look forward to hearing more from "Helene of the North".

  5. Thanks Helene for your blogs. Duplex is neat and tidy and appears quite new. Electric heat we presume. Just read a book that reminded us of your current journey. It is called ICE WALKER by James RAFFAN. It is a quick read about a Polar Bear, a little further north of where you are; but you never know these days with the strange things happening with climate, etc., you may see one in your back yard when the winter snows arrive. Get lots of walking in now before the temperatures drop along with a chilling wind or two. Love & Hugs, Peter & Pat


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