Sunday March 17, 2024

 Happy Spring!

You know spring is in the north when:  you can see the tops of the rocks on the hill side, the road pavement, ravens flying around making a lot of noise, polar bears walking into town, cross country skiers, kids taking their parka's off on the play ground, and amazing blue skies, no wind, and balmy temperatures of 10 below zero.  That is spring!!

It was beautiful walking today, but not out of sight of the polar patrol--it is so quiet here, the only sound is the crunch of the snow under your boots, and the planting of the poles--pretty awesome.

Every one is looking forward to our break next week.  Many teachers are staying here to enjoy the cross country skiing, and the rest.  I am looking forward to jetting off to the coast to get my income tax in order, and to enjoy a glass of good wine.  

Our poor principal is having to work hard at covering the Inuit language classes.  Staff is hard to come by.  I am filling in for the next few weeks as a sub--but we are not doing Inuktitut--we are doing ukulele!!!The grade' 3's are ecstatic that we now get music every day--what a bonus!! So, I have set a concert date for the second to last week of May--for the guitar class as well.  I will be in control of it, unlike other gym activities--so it will be just a sharing of what we do, and how we do it.  I may play clarinet as well--one of the jazz tunes I have been working on--we will see.

We just finished up a "stay in school" week, with some interesting activities.  Upon our return, we will have a culture week, where the activities will be around Inuit culture.  Students from Montreal will be here for that.

Team work for these bakers.

Stay in school--wear green

scarves reminding us to stay in school.

I am going to be a principal or a maintenance person.

I will be a teacher or a fisherman.

Stay in School--Ninja style!

You know it is spring when you can see the pavement.

My little beans sprouting--yes, first they sprouted, then I planted them.  We get lots of light in the guest bedroom.  They are 2 weeks old.

A view of our play ground.  The swings are wrapped 3 times around the top poll, so you have an idea of much snow we have.


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