End of the first week back

 Greetings all......

I can hardly believe it is the end of the first week back--although it is the second full week including travel.  

The students were a little tired and out of sorts on Monday morning,  showing me the attituded--we got through that one by 11:30, and things are back on track....holiday is over, queen Helene, queen of mean is back!!!

Weather has been interesting.  Monday evening was a blizzard, and what a storm!  100k  plus winds howling and snow blowing.  By Tuesday morning, it was over, so classes were not cancelled (awe!)

We got the big wind on Wednesday as well, but we still went in.

Temperatures hovering between minus 20 and  minus 50.  It is so cold, the water pump at the water plant is frozen. That means no water--so what we have is what we have!

The school had a parade today to bring awareness of the importance of sobriety.  Each student made a poster, and this afternoon we paraded around the village ( minus 40).  The firetruck led the way, with kids and their posters, followed by the ambulance, the school bus, and few ski doos.  Tomorrow is a pd day--it will give me a chance to finally catch up with planning and finish report cards.

Yesterday, we had a visit from JP, the policeman from Montreal.  He spoke to us about cyber crime.

My place is getting new cupboard doors.  2 students are serving as apprentices to our Maintenance man.  This is just excellent!

I am finding time to practice my clarinet in the evening---my clarinet buddy really opened my eyes to the jazz idiom--and it is really fun learning tunes like Satin Doll, Moon Glow and Fly me to the moon and actually playing them musically.  Loving every moment of it.

Also working on some classical pieces, they are easy in comparison!!

Polar bear watch is on. Now that the ice is totally frozen,  they are strolling along their historical trail, that includes our village beach front!!  We have to be very, very careful--always alerting the administration of our whereabouts.

Behind me is north.  The ice is frozen Hudson Bay, and this is where the Polar Bear travel.

The principal's ski doo--

The principal.

Where all the magic happens!!

JP talking about cyber crime.

decorating the big poster with hand prints.

A regular appearance--northern lights.  These light shows make it all worth it!  Here, it is silent, and very peaceful.  A beautiful thing about being in the wilderness.
making the giant poster for the parade

our individual posters

At recess today--note the rainbow--the little girl has my walking sticks--the children love to play with them.

The parade--the whole school, and many villagers joined us to bring awareness to being sober.

The work crew installing my new cupboard doors.

They did a great job!


  1. The beauty of the North, especially the Northern Lights and the frozen Hudson Bay - quite lovely. You sure work hard for that beauty, Helene.

  2. Helene's Excellent Adventure continues 👍❤️


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