Saturday February 10, 2024

 Hello all......

Well, if you think the cost of groceries is high--you should take a shopping trip with me to our local coop!!

Coop closes everyday at 5, so I never get to go because I don't finish up until then.  Saturday is my only chance to go.  It is open from 10 to noon.  Sunday it is closed!

I did bring a year's supply of staples like flour, sugar, salt, toilet paper, paper towels, rice and spices in my cargo that was sent up at the beginning of the year.  What I need are items that we are going to fix at school, cleaning stuff, and the odd treat.  No alcohol, of course, because this is a dry community---

It is about a 2 k walk up the hill from my place, so away I went, back pack and walking sticks.  Everyone is so friendly.  People going by on skidoos always wave,  and if you see another walker, they will cross the road to just say hi, have a nice day.

When I got my few items, I went to the check out.  A tall Inuit man was obviously doing the weekend grocery shopping.  He bought a lot of milk, diapers, some fresh veg and fruit, and of course soft drinks, cigs and candy.  He could fit into a box that he would carry on his ski doo. The total, $350.  That didn't include meat!  Probably will last only a few days.

We are making pizza on Monday.  We already made the dough.  I couldn't find a small pizza pan or cheese grater--so I bought those--but with few items I got the bill was a whopping $122.79

We can buy groceries online through Marche Turenne, and the cost is less, but you have to pay shipping.  I do have a $10,000 shipping allowance.  What we don't spend, we get to pocket.  It takes a week, weather depending, to get an order.  I use this very seldom.

The principal is off for next couple of weeks to meetings in Montreal, and for real estate business, so I have Ulysses.  He is terrific, and great company.  He loves my clarinet playing, and never complains.  He always agrees with me, and gives me lots of kisses.  He is the perfect companion!

Doing the math test--mean Helene!!

I got this!!

Boy, this is hard!!
Ulysses is staying with me while his mom is in Montreal.  He is a good boy--I have wonderful doggy treats!!

Look at these prices, and the produce is nearly at the spoiling point.

You are looking at $122.00 worth of stuff!!


  1. I promise never again to complain about prices or choices when I go grocery shopping at home.
    Just think how easy shopping will be once you come back to the Valley.


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