Saturday February 4, 2023

  •  Hello my dear friends

Another interesting week in the north land!!  First, my year old computer started making a noise like a race-car!!  I took it to colleague, he cleaned the fan, and gave it back to me saying it was fixed.  Well, guess what, it is not, so I use it very sparingly and it hope it does not just " blow up".  Then, I got a call from the fraud squad saying that my card had been used for an escort service, and purchases at a gift store----I wonder who sits in front of the computer to monitor transactions--but they do, and they do a pretty darn good job of it!!  So, cancelled credit card!!  Finally, my cell phone, a motorolla, will not accept the School district internet for some reason--just stopped working, so that is a nuisance .  Yeah--so I had to try and get zoom on school computer.  What a hassle that was, it took 3 days for the IT guy to get back to me.  Well, that sort of works, but it blocked my Chinese students!!  Needless to say, I can hardly wait to get back to civilization to get some help!!  Or, get new stuff!!!

The weather has been extremely cold, even for here.  For the last couple of weeks, the temperature has been hovering around 50 below zero.  This means no exposed skin--other wise it will freeze and cause frost bite or worse within minutes.  Also means, very short walks, because the cold is hazardous to our health in so many ways.

School is going pretty darn well--though attendance is spotty because of the cold.  Our school bus runs only when the bus driver is here--so that poses an interesting issue.

Thanks to Bodynetix, my gym, we have brand new aprons, and the kids sure love them.  We have started our cooking program--we started with green smoothies (from Helene's garden), Veggie and chip dips, and next week, healthy pizza--yahoo.  One of our tutors helps me--and it has been a big success.  We can now do the meal, set the table, eat at the table, and then clean up.  Big steps forward.

Music is going pretty well too.  We are learning our second chord on the ukulele, and we are learning how to chord on the chime bells.   Concepts of rhythm and beat are improving because we have started our dance program.

So it goes..

Definitely a hugging day!

No skin exposed!!

Alec, our dear director handing out mittens, socks and hats to the less fortunate!
math time

love making the veggie dips

green smoothie material

clean up is just as much fun as cooking

Penina loves helping

frozen solid--about  5 feet--the polar bears are coming


  1. WOW…look at those vegetables…yummy yummy. Take care and enjoy your students. Stay healthy. Love ya, Peter & Pat


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