Marching Band

 Hello all

Another fun filled week with grade 3 and 4.  I was so excited to find some very nice music instruments in the music room.  Brand new tone bells, brand new-machine head ukes, rhythm band instruments, boom whackers, and some Orff instruments.    There is also a big selection of drums, so I can see doing drum circle.

My students are ready for music.  They were very attentive, and they totally got the rules.  The instruments are real, they are not toys, and as such, they need to be handled properly.  After singing a couple of rounds, I introduced 5 rhythm instruments, and then we marched around the room to Col. Bogey--my favorite march--you should have seen them--they picked up their feet, stood tall, and kept the beat--with not a word from me.  When the music stopped so did they!!  

Today, we had dental program come in--yes those kids need to brush their teeth--you can see after the little experiment they did!!  The visit ended with everyone getting a new t shirt and a new smile.

Academically we are moving forward.  We are reading and sounding out words.  Next week, the students will perform their first play about Thanksgiving.  I will try to record it for you.

It is interesting working in an environment where everything is based on minutes, according to the collective agreement.  Teachers are expected to have x number of minutes above and beyond their regular teaching.  If someone is absent, and you cover, then you are supposed to fill out a paper to get extra pay.  I am on several committees, more then you are supposed to, and I refuse to fill out a form because I am covering for someone.  I am a professional, and as a professional, I will do what it takes to get the job done. I am at school at 7:30 am and I leave at 5:30 pm.  I put my time in.   This is not a popular stand--but it is my stand.


  1. Those kids have great smiles, so good to see. I have a smile too, thinking of what you are accomplishing. Here's to another great week!


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