
Showing posts from May, 2022

Saying good bye, Kangirsuk

 Thursday May 26 The day has finally come when it is time to say goodbye, Kangiruk, and to bring a close to the chapter called the Northern Adventure!  The final day at school included signing the report cards, and then a picnic at the park that included hot dogs, hamburgers, juice, ice cream and a staff student soccer game. All done, at minus 5 with intermittent sunshine and snow showers!! Yesterday was the year end assembly where class and school awards were given, and graduates, 7, were introduced.  Their graduation ceremony will be in August at the beginning of the new school year. Tuesday was the staff farewell breakfast, and what a send off that was.  7 non Inuit teachers are leaving, half the staff, including the principal.  I was very surprised at how emotionally charged it was--but the Inuit staff explained that it was always hard to say good bye to southerners--just as attachments form, people are gone.  I get it. 8 out 13 of my class invited me to sit with them at the ceremo
 May 20 So, one more teaching day--we made it. This morning I invited the school administration and the parents to a one hour morning of school where they could see our morning routine, go through the children's books, and be entertained with children singing, dancing, reading and doing poetry.  Capping of the morning were the cupcakes that made yesterday!  We were so lucky to have the extra help from our Frontier College workers, and the special ed department.  Of the12 students that I have, 6 came.  3 parents came.  One parent looks after 3 of the children in the class--so I would say the turn out was pretty darn good. Parents seemed very, very happy and were very impressed at the progress--so that makes me feel like it was all worthwhile.  Next week we have awards day and a picnic.  The rest of the time will be spent cleaning up the school and putting things away. Here are some pictures from our performance: I have some movie clips--but I will have to show you those from my phon

May 14, 2022--nearing the end of the Northern Adventure

 Hello everyone As the title suggests, the northern adventure is drawing to a close.  And, what a year it has been!!  Unlike anything I have experienced.  First, the covid, and then the actual teaching experience.  Living in a small, isolated community was just fine!!  I liked that part.   My lovely 2 bedroom townhouse has served me well inspite of a few hiccups like not heat, no water--but fixable.  The teaching has been an eye opener--no course can prepare you for the day to day!!  What I have learned from the teaching is that nothing can start until a loving and meaningful connection is made with each individual.  And I mean, everyone that you connect with.  As someone said in my past, a teacher is someone who is not a friend or buddy, but a kind and just parent.  This connection takes a long, long time and this year, it wasn't until about the middle of April that I could see the results of connection building.  A little later in the year, but at least, it happened. All told, we