May 20

So, one more teaching day--we made it.

This morning I invited the school administration and the parents to a one hour morning of school where they could see our morning routine, go through the children's books, and be entertained with children singing, dancing, reading and doing poetry.  Capping of the morning were the cupcakes that made yesterday!  We were so lucky to have the extra help from our Frontier College workers, and the special ed department.  Of the12 students that I have, 6 came.  3 parents came.  One parent looks after 3 of the children in the class--so I would say the turn out was pretty darn good.

Parents seemed very, very happy and were very impressed at the progress--so that makes me feel like it was all worthwhile.  Next week we have awards day and a picnic.  The rest of the time will be spent cleaning up the school and putting things away.

Here are some pictures from our performance:

I have some movie clips--but I will have to show you those from my phone.

Mom is checking out his work and asking him questions.

Each child read a little book.

This boy is reading a real grade 4 level.  We read a story to the class.

This little girl did not speak one word at the beginning of the year.  Now she can't wait to read to you.

Our rocket ship choral speaking project.


  1. Helene!!! We have been worried about you, forgot about the blog and finally looked it up today. Tried to get in touch but no answer on your phone or facebook. Do you have a phone or email ? Sylvie and Ron


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