Saturday April 23

 Greetings---where does the time go when you are having fun!!  Yes, about 4 more weeks, and then this chapter will be over.  I spent sometime this morning go back over the last 10 months, what an adventure!!

The new experiences continue to happen.  A lovely young couple has joined us from the south.  The young woman is a member of the Canadian volleyball team, and she is working for Volleyball Canada.  They pay her way to come to northern communities to promote volleyball, and that is just what she is doing.  Today, she organized a community tournament, and she got a great turn out.  She is hoping to put together a girls team and then take them to a tournament in another community.  This is all paid for by the Volleyball association!  Her partner is the "super sub".  He is available to replace people who are away for the day.  They both are enthusiastic and good hearted people!

The weather has been between a blast of winter with up to 100 mile an hour wind gusts, to beautiful, warm above zero days with the endless blue sky and sunshine.  My plant family is thriving on that.

This of course plays havoc with school opening--when the blizzards blow, the school closes--so more lost time.  Ah well!

Today I noticed a picture on the wall at school.  I recognized the children in my class--it was their kindergarten picture with their teacher.  A short time after that picture was taken, she was taken, by murder.  I also counted the number of children in that picture who live with the burden of family members who committed suicide--about 5 of them.  Another story I heard today from a  colleague was just as terrible.  One of his students approached him and said he would not be attending the year end exams next week because he was going to jail for the next 10 years.  I also found out today that our lovely delivery man won't be on the job for sometime because he is in jail.

An Inuit teacher has to take time off because his wife is drinking, taking drugs, and now is in jail.  He will have to look after their one year old son.  And so it goes.  We think we have problems!

The children are making great progress--when I say free time, they all head for the book corner, and read--isn't that amazing!!

Until next time!!!

This is a pretend shot--I have no courage to get on the ski doo!!

100 mile an hour blizzard yesterday.

Today, sunshine, and my mama plant.

These babies are doing so well in the brilliant sunshine.

Volley ball tournament today.

My big outing to the coop today.

This is like a general store.  It sells everything.

Snow from yesterday--a pile of it!

My class as kindergarten students.

This is a tribute to their beloved teacher.


  1. Can't imagine all this trauma. Their life is to different to ours and so difficult. Seems like hope is gone

  2. Oh Helene, how heartbreaking. With good people like you perhaps there is a glimmer of hope for these young ones. Thank you

  3. Helene, your upbeat attitude in the face of some unusual experiences is heartwarming. I am surprised at how bit the Coop store is. Countdown is on. Make more memories in the next few weeks.


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