Wednesday February 2, 2022

 Hello all

What a ride!!  School finally opened on Monday January 31.  We are working only half days.  The grades 3/4 come in the morning, then students go home.  Grades 5/6 come in the afternoon only.  The k-2 will start next week.  School continues to be only half time until further notice.  I do not know what is happening on the secondary side.

The school bus is broken, so kids have to get here on their own--so needless to say, attendance has been somewhat spotty.  I had no students on Monday, 1 student yesterday, and 2 students today.

Right now, there is one heck of a blizzard.  Winds of 100 miles an hour, and the temperature is about minus 50.  School will be closed until this storm is over.  It is kind of interesting watching the blizzard out my living room window.

This morning I took some pictures that hang on the school walls---they tell the story of the history of the place--hard to know how people survived!!  The Inuit are a hardy bunch.

Covid continues to be a major issue here.  People are afraid to send their children to school, some children are sick, parents are sick--it is quite bad.  I am feeling a little panic myself--I got through the 5 home tests with a negative result, and I also went through the clinic test with a negative.  Now we must do at least 3 tests a week at school.  Needless to say I had a bit of a panic attack today!!

Ah well, only 7 weeks until spring break~~

Two brave students today.  Here I am showing Etua what a great job he did on his homework.  Each set of stickers tells how hard he worked!!

Here are these really interesting pictures of the past.

Can not imagine living in these ice houses!!

Now here what I am seeing out my picture window--the swirling snow.  You can't hear the wind!!!  Pretty powerful.


  1. Thanks for your blog. Do be careful of the blizzard weather. Do be careful of Covid-19 and its variants and sub-variants too. Keep up with the regular Covid tests. Eagerly await the book that you will be writing to tell the full story.
    Take care and we love ya. Peter & Pat

  2. Well, well. No blizzard here. We get to watch the rain fall out our picture window. I think I would rather have the snow to look at - but only look at. I don't ever want to have to be in -50C. You continue to be such a trooper, looking on the bright side of things. Do you get to leave for Spring Break?

  3. I shiver as I read your words. Egads!! Take care (I know you will) and stay out of the way of Covid (and I know you will do that too).

  4. Thank you for sharing, it's so interesting. We think of you often!
    Take very good care


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