Friday February 11, 2022

 This week it is all about getting back to school.  

This is my special aide and her two. 

This child is on verge of reading!

Yes, finger painting is still a fav.

All the children love their new backpacks from Bodynetix.

We can read!

Yes, soap making!!

Marie teaching us about how to make soap.

My new plant babies.

Cold and wind closed school today.

Well, here we are in the second week, half time re entry.  Yesterday
  I had the most, 8 kids!  And then today, we are closed!!

So much for consistency!!

Heat in my place back on.  Broken pipe fixed, and water.  At noon, I heard a big bang,
my hotwater tank actually exploded.  The police and fire truck came.

They are working on it!!

Guess I am sampling all the experience the north can bring.

It all continues to be an experience--and I am doing my best to accept every day as it comes because I
have decided that this is a one year, one shot deal.  I submitted my resignation
for May 30.

Having made that decision has made me a much happier person!!!!


  1. Cute pics! Such experiences! Good to make a decision, eases the mind. Onward!

  2. I’m sure you have already made a huge impact on the children ❤️

  3. The kids must love your creative lessons. 8 kids on one day! That shows they want to be in your classroom. Good decision on the one year only.

  4. You are truly inspirational to me. This whole experience will make for yet ANOTHER very interesting chapter in your book. Stay cozy and keep doing a great job with those kids!

  5. What an adventure you have had, Helene. It may seem like some hardships at the moment, but think of the memories and the stories you will have. Stay well and keep seeing the upside!


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