Friday April 26, 2024

 Happy Spring-----

Well, it is like spring when the snow melts, and the road turns to ice--but we are far from the southern version.  Today, we expect the annual May blizzard with winds up to 100 k, snow fall up to 10 cm, and winter for another month!!  Having said this, the ice is breaking up, and we can now see the ocean, now that is a good sign for sure!!

I would like to share the amazing activity of the cross country ski expedition.  All school in Nunavik participate.  Staff members are sent to a training in Montreal early in the year.  They learn all about such trips including first aid, meal preparation, navigation, cross country skiing pulling a sled with sleeping bags, food, tents and other necessary items.  They come back from this training and meet with students from grade 8-12 to let them know about it, and to invite them to participate.  Over the year, the students meet weekly train, and form friendships.  The actual event takes place in April, and when the weather looks good.  Teachers and students pack up all the equipment, and fly with it to where the event is.  This is all paid for by the Jeunes Karibus Expedition group.  Students from most communities gather, and go on the expedition together.  This year it was from Aupaluk to Tasiujaq.   I don't know how far it is--but over 100 k.  They all had a great time.  The weather was pretty good.  After the expedition, however, it took 4 days before a flight back to Ivujivik could be made because of snow, wind and other bad weather!!

Certainly for the young--I wish I could have done it, but, I am a little long in the tooth!!  Snow mobiles also are along to carry supplies.  But remember--there is no cell service--those kids are really out in the wild!!  A little taste of what their ancestors lived.  A friend that I taught with last year took these amazing pictures.  They really give you a feel for that awesome adventure!

The other activity that was amazing was the retelling of "The Earth Egg", story that the students wrote and published.  You can look it up online by putting this title in.  It is a folk tale that the elders shared with the students.   A theatre company, from Montreal, was hired by the Kativik School Board to produce this story.  Drama teachers came in the fall for 2 weeks, and this last two weeks, to put it together.  The production was totally in Inuktitut, and one of the drama leaders is Inuit.   It was a fabulous way to support and recognize the importance of learning the native language.

It was presented at the hall, last evening.  Everyone in the village turned out.

The parking lot for the people attending!!

Use of shadow puppets.

the paper mache earth egg

more shadow puppets

The snow storm

The students

The mayor is speaking.  The other man is the Inuit Actor.

Arriving at the play
The advertising.


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