Saturday February 24, 2024

 Hello friends.......

Not much to report this week.  It has been darn cold.  The thermometer reads minus 29, 30 or whatever, but the wind chill pumps it up to over minus 50.  The school closed Thursday afternoon because of the cold.  The school bus couldn't run,  Honda ATV's wouldn't start, and snow mobile treads were freezing.

This makes for treacherous walking as the roads are hard packed snow, turned to ice.  One must stick to the sides, where there is some snow for boots to grip on to.  At Christmas, I bought a pair of boots in Montreal, with retractable spikes--they work pretty well, but it is still slippery.  I use my walking sticks, and I don't move quickly!!  I walk everywhere, including to the coop, Saturday mornings for groceries, so I am well aware of the walking hazards.  It was interesting walking there today, about 2 k.  A very nice, big orange truck stopped to pick me up--the guy said hello, I'm the fire chief, I said, hello, I'm the grade 3 English teacher.  He said, so nice to meet you!!  Unfortunately, for me, it was too high to try to climb in, especially with the slippery ground.  But, I did ask the chief if he could carry my groceries home.  We met at the coop, and he waited until I had done my shopping.  He took the load, and delivered it--yahoo!!  Who says being a pick up is a bad thing!!  

As you may recall, we all received about $700 worth of meat for Christmas.  I am into the second box--it is steak--yummy.  Now, I am trying all kinds of recipes to use it--kind of fun.

Our School director, the Inuit guy who looks after Inuit staff, and buildings, arranged a marvelous outing for all secondary students.  He raised over $63,000 to send them all to Montreal for a week  on a school exchange.  The purpose of the trip is to expose the kids to other students their age, and to show them post secondary opportunities, as well as cultural activities.  The other students will come here in April, when we will celebrate Cultural week. That is the time that the community comes out to share hunting, fishing, dog sledding, and other Inuit cultural activities.

This man is a real icon in the north.  He is working at bringing post secondary here--he is a graduate of McGill, Master's degree in administration.  We are so lucky to have him.  He has a vision and gradually, he is changing attitudes, and the way things are done.  We need more people like him to show the way.  Ah to be young!!  He is 45.

Our work in the classroom continues to flourish as each child begins to take responsibility for their learning.  One little girl who has missed a great deal of school for who knows why, is starting to attend more regularly, and we made a huge break through on Friday morning.  She can now blend some letters, the very first step in learning how to read.  I am so excited by this!!  And, she is speaking with confidence.  Yay!!!  

I look forward to March break--finally have made the decision to put my Courtenay home on the market.  I am doing this now because I have a very busy summer ahead--Nelson, cruise to Alaska, St. Lawrence Seaway cruise,  and  Lakefield Music camp, near Toronto.  I will be on the west coast for August--sort of, before my new adventure in China.   I have been offered a lecture tour there--to pick up where I left off several years ago.   Where will I land?  That is is the question, for sure!

Love this aerial view of our village.

One of two boxes full of meat..
Yummy steak!

Ulysses was my house guest for 2 weeks, I sure miss him!!  He was a great companion!! He even liked my clarinet playing.  He would sit right at my feet every time I played!!  A real fan.  Maybe it was the treats in my pocket!!!
Yes, we can print sentences!!!


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