Saturday February 18, 2024

 Hello all

The story this week is the weather!  If you go online, you can see Ivujivik weather.  For the last couple of weeks it has been very sunny, but very cold, with the wind chill pushing the thermometer up to minus 50 or more.  If there is no wind, it isn't that bad, but if there is the slightest breeze, it gets cold really quickly.  We  keep the children in for recess because it is just too cold.

You have to dress for the weather!  Not one inch of skin can be exposed!  If it is, it will freeze, and you will get a frost bite red mark on your skin---extremely painful, and ugly!!  It's colder then Kangirsuk!!

We have not had any snow for over a month now, so what we have is frozen solid making the roads icy highways, and the walking extremely treacherous, even with spiked boots.  You have to really step hard to make sure the cleats grab, but sometimes, it is just to slippery.  The worst part is getting into our house. It is like a little slippery ski hill in front of our steps. So, I have to hang onto the banister, just to get to bottom step.  This is really a pain because there is no other entrance to use.  Weather forecast is continued cold weather with no snow in sight.

It is great having the dog with me.  But, taking him out 3 times a day is not fun.  He stands at the front door, whimpering, because he doesn't want to go out.  I have to pretty well drag him down the steps!! Sylvie has let his hair grow long to protect him from the cold.

This morning, I  put him on his outdoor chain.  He just stood at the door, barking and whimpering until I put my coat on and took him to his pee place!!

The up side of course, is that beautiful blue sky, the amazing colors at sunrise and sunset, and the northern lights.  It is also very quiet.  You only hear the occasional snow mobile, or vehicle pass, and that is all.  There are no generators, or any other sounds--quite amazing.  I call it the northern silence.

On the school front, we just completed a very interesting science fair.  Each class prepared a project, and yesterday they were shared.  My class did a project on the the breathing lungs, and the bones in the hand.    Our legend is in the process of being published. For these next 2 weeks, a drama team is here to put together the retelling of it.  When the book is launched in March, the students will perform the play.

Suiting up for the walk to coop!! I got these googles about 15 years ago for skiing in Banff--the non fog up--ha, ha, don't you believe it--they fog up!!

Science fair

Our lung experiment.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Yahoo, love the planet puzzle!

I am so cute!

Country food--just slice it off and eat it.   Add soy sauce when necessary.

Beautiful northern lights

Pizza day!!

Our village from the air.  The fore ground is the polar bear corridor.  It is the frozen Hudson Bay.

The beauty of the skies.

The strong wind.

The beauty of the sunset.

Yahoo--the flower puzzle.  


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