Happy New Year...

 Happy New Year!!!

2 boxes of meat--gift from the community!!  Value, about $700.

Yes, a little late for the greeting--but after a short pause, I am back in the north.  And what a trip!!  I started on Tuesday January 23, Comox to Montreal, Wednesday January 24 Montreal to Le Grande, a snow storm, so back to Montreal, Thursday January 25 Montreal to Le Grande and then Puv--another storm, overnight there, Friday Nov. 26 Puv to Salluit and finally, Ivujuvik!!

It was very good to finally land here.  My dear principal came and got me, and gave me the afternoon to unpack, and to start to get my paper work in order--and there is a lot!! 

Tomorrow morning, I will head into the school and try to get my head around what has been done, and what is next.

Over the break, I had some wonderful moments playing my clarinet with friends.  Now I am back on my own , so it is time to knuckle down and learn some new music, and to practice my dahs and dats--I will be doing that at school in the evenings.  We had so much fun with it, I now have a kind of routine--and will look forward to playing with friends again when I RETIRE this year.

I received my Christmas gift from the community.  It is two boxes of meat---just what Dr. Walker wanted--protein--an variety of steak, hamburger, chicken, chops, ribs and liver!!  Yahoo.  It will last me to the end of the year!!

The Arctic from the plane.   A lot of snow, and the ice is thick enough to hold the ski doos and dog sleds.

Cleaning up after the snow.

Amazing art in the Salluit airport

Sunrise this morning in Puv

Blizzard the night before in Puv

Welcome to Puv.

Meals at the Puv airport--just help yourself.

This is the plane from Montreal.  The front end is cargo, and the back end passengers--you enter at the back.

Just love this picture of Vancouver, taken from my bedroom at World Mark


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