Saturday May 20, 2023


Hello all--

This picture says it all!! The children indeed are growing and blooming,  inspite of the challenges.  Give them love and consistency, and what do you get---

Two absolutely amazing things happened a couple of days ago, and unfortunately, I did not have my phone at school, so I could not capture the magic in pictures.  I will have to try to give it to you in words.

As we are approaching the end of the year, I stapled  together half finished math worksheets.  So, math lessons are about 10 minutes of drill, and then individual work on the worksheets.  I set the clock for 20 minutes of direct work time, and the remaining time is free time..providing everyone is on task. I move from student to student and guide them in their individual work.  This maximizes learning, and students really focus.  It has taken nearly 2 years to get kids to this place.

Sounds like a cake walk--well it isn't.  The individuality of each child makes for necessary individual connection from teacher to child.  Penina can be right on, or she can set the class upside down.  For some reason, she was into the work and worked independently.  I told her that she could get a game for free time.  I went about helping others, not really paying attention to what she was doing.  As others finished, they were invited to choose an activity.  I looked up, and there was Penina at the smart board.  She had set out the individual white boards, dry erase pens and cleaning cloths, just as  I do, when we are going to have a lesson.  She gathered and organized all the children on the floor, and began to work on word decoding.  She would say, "  there are 3 letters in this word, first letter sounds like this....."  A perfect Helene mimic, including words like good job, well done.  Nathan eventually joined in.  He is very special needs.  I quietly whispered to her not to forget him, and she quickly got down on the floor and helped him each time.  This went on for about 20 minutes.  At the end, she had everything away, and everyone back to their desk, ready for class change.  I was amazed!!!

The second thing that happened was the amazing empathy and love children have for each other.  Students drift into school from 8:45 on.  There is no real starting point, so I have adjusted to a routine that includes kids getting their snack and water.  They sit down, and I have an activity and a sharpened pencil on their desk, and they start.  This is the same for Nathan, The  other day, I put on a video for the alphabet--it is terrific, colorful, and very musical.  Nathan loves to dance along and he pretty much understands the letters and sounds.  After we had seen the video, for the first time, on his own, he jumped out of his seat, and ran to the colored alphabet charts.  He began pointing at each letter, and acted out the picture or tried to say it.  Then, another students came in.  She joined in.  As I went to my seat to cut her apple( kids want me to cut their fruit, they ask politely, and say thankyou), she took over my spot helping Nathan---she didn't miss a beat.  Child power, Helene, get the heck out of the way!

So gratifying--these two incidents have paid me in full, and then some,  for the time I have spent here. I am very happy, and feel that my job is done.


  1. Well done, kids, and kudos to you, Helene, the teacher.


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