
Showing posts from November, 2022

Sunday November 27

 Hello all 12 full school days left or fewer, depending upon the weather--but who is counting!! As always, each day brings tears, delights, frustration and great joy, plus a few surprises. On Monday afternoon, two little girls came in after lunch.  We had launched into a social studies lesson, and the girls were just starting on their seat work, when one child told me that she had seen a man with a black mask on a ski-doo with a hand gun near the back of the school.  She also said that this man was uttering bad words, and pointing the gun at the school windows.  The other little girl agreed.  I immediately called down to the office for the principal--he was their in seconds.  He questioned the girls, and the story was exactly the same, so within 10 minutes, the police arrived, and we were in lockdown.  Not only us, but the whole community.  This lasted for about an hour, and then we were released.  Yes, their was a suspect--but who, what, where, when, why are yet unknown. It is very us

November 12

 Hello all It is all been a blur since Thanksgiving.  Unfortunately, I got the dreaded Covid, and although I had 4 shots, I suffered from an extremely sore throat, runny nose, dry cough and exhaustion.  I was able to go back to work after 5 days, but the cough, stuffy nose and exhaustion have held on.  Fortunately for me, I missed only two days of school---there was bad weather, and illness in the community, so the school was shut down for several days. Now, with Remembrance Day gone, we are in the count down to Christmas.  I have volunteered to organize the Christmas Concert, and it has been fun talking to all staff members about what their plans are.  After 2 years of no concert, the community is looking forward to a big splash.  The grand finale will feature a guitar band of about 10 staff, with the entire staff singing Silent Night and Felice Navidad in Inuktitut, French and English. I have also been invited into more Inuit homes.  Everyone is so friendly.  So, socially it is reall