The unexpected return to the north!!!

 September 3/2022

Greetings all

Yes, what a surprise, and for me too, a return to Kangirsuk.  I was at Uvic in  a practice room when I got a message from the school director, Alec.  He was asking about my phone number from last year and other details about the house.  At the end of that conversation, I asked, just for interest, who was replacing me.  He said no one.  That was August 12, with school starting on August 17.  My reaction was total shock.  What were they going to do, I asked.  He said, someone from the village would come in.  My immediate reaction was no, no, no.  Not after the blood, sweat and tears that went into that assignment.  I asked what he would think, what the school would think and what the village would think if I were to come back.  He said that everyone would be very happy.  He suggested I be in touch with HR.  At the end of that conversation, I sent a message to HR.  Within 20 minutes, I received a phone call, a chat and the very next day, August 13, I was offered a contract with signing bonus, starting as soon as I could.

So, back to Courtenay I went, and packed 24 boxes, which left on Friday August 19, with me to follow on August 23, arriving in Kangirsuk, August 24.  Fortunately for me, one of my class assistants had prepared my classroom and was the sub until I began teaching on Friday August 26.

It has been wonderful so far.  Every parent has been to school to give me a hug, and every child has been hugging.  I feel very welcomed and loved.  I have 7 students returning and 2 new ones.  We have had a fabulous start up, and the class culture is where we left off--very positive, energetic and happy.

I still have the two special needs children, and the new grade 3's, who are quite low, but it doesn't matter because the class is small, and each day we make gains--you know, baby steps.  

Yesterday, there was a newsletter from the board.  This year, there were 77 teaching positions unfilled by the start of school.  I made that list 76.  So, very very difficult here.

Weather is between 10 and 20.  On warm days the mosquitoes are huge--you must keep your mouth closed!!  Last night, a lot of rain and big wind--about 60 mph.  You just never know.

Brain gym exercises

Religion teacher Sean

Sitting in desks!!  This is amazing.  NO rolling around on the floor!!!!

Celebration of housing.

Parade to the playground for hamburgers and hotdogs.

Friday--make a map of the school, and coloring and labelling rooms


  1. Such a positive blog post. I am so pleased that all is well and the adventure continues. I wonder if those 76 northern teaching positions are well advertised nationwide? You'd think there would be enough teachers (I was going to write young, which you have shown is not a factor!) to take up the challenge. Enjoy your week and as always, I send my best wishes. T

  2. Helene, the world is a better place with people like you, I wish I had half the courage and enthusiasm that you do! Look forward to staying in touch through your school year, and remember, if all else fails, do a few burpees.


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