Saturday April 9, 2022

 Hello everyone

Life continues to be interesting here.  For the last week, people from all over Nunavik have gathered in our school gym for meetings.  It has been so interesting to watch the many people come and go.  All ages are represented.  Yesterday, an elderly lady with a walking cane struggled in.  At the end of the meeting, she needed help down the stairs, and then she proceeded to jump on her ski doo and zoom away!!

There was a big feast on Tuesday evening--I was invited, but didn't go because I was too tired!!  However, last Friday, there was a mini feast in the kitchen.  The Inuit spread cardboard on the floor.  Everyone sat around on the perimeter.  The raw, frozen meat including ptarmigan, caribou, whale and seal was sliced thinly with the ulu and people ate it with their fingers.  Some spread a little salt on the cardboard, and then rubbed the meat into it before eating.  I liked it--like Inuit Sushi!

We had our first dance lesson yesterday.  Marion Rose was an amazing musician and lover of folk dance.  She put together several small, easy to understand books on dancing with cd's.  I have used this collection for years, and all over the world.  The music is so toe tapping, it really engages, and brings joy.  It was no different here.  Within 45 minutes we had a polished performance.  And, kids asking for more!  

Yesterday it was about minus 10, with sunshine, and the bluest sky.  Today, near blizzard conditions--kind of like life here--up one day, down the next!!  Ah well--six weeks and counting!!

Enjoying a traditional Inuit feast.

Taken from my living room window--mom on the ski doo, kids on the sled.

These dogs are enjoying a Sunday nap!

My plant is still alive and doing well.

Yes, the babies are growing--lots of sunshine.

You can see the kids building an igloo.

Big day of unveiling the amazing mural that the kids designed, and painted with the help of a couple of Montreal artists.

Etua put this puzzle together himself.  Wow!!

Sandy is doing so much better with his new glasses.


  1. So glad to see you are still excited about the new experiences you have up there. the photos capture the uniqueness of your northern journey. Not long now before you head home. Enjoy your last month.


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