January 21, the beginning of the new year in Kangirusk

This plane is leaving Kuuajjak for Kang.  This is below the tree line.  Each picture shows where the tree line stops, and where the snow is , and where the ice is.
Usually all the water is frozen, but you can see there is a fair amount not frozen yet.  A real sign of climate change.

Say bye bye to the trees.

And now for the snow.

You will notice the beautiful evening!!  And you will see all that water the should all be frozen.

We were given these 5 nose swab covid tests to do at home.  Lovely!!  Why spend $395 when I can do it myself!  So far, all negative.

Here is Ungava Bay--frozen!!!

It is so cold, that I can't take pictures outside, so these photos were taken out of my guest room window.

A little chilly at 50 below, but I have the right clothes.

These new boot have thick insulation for up to -50.  They are a little awkward to walk in, but they have good grip, and I have been practicing walking around the village--keeping up my 10,000 steps every day.

Yes--back at it--I can hardly remember what I planned, but it is all coming back.

So folks--that is it for my return blog!!  It has taken me 2 days to get my internet to work!!  A big thanks to Jacques, the Janitor, he kept my place clean and he kept my plant going!!  He has gone to Montreal for a month off.  Internet is slow at the very best, but it is working!!!



  1. Courageous girl. Hope the COVID doesn't stop your 'fun with kids' anytime soon. You should be doing your tai chi in those boots. That would be interesting. Keep warm and carry on! Leanne

  2. You are rockin the look! Take good care.

  3. I know after talking with you a few weeks back, you were hoping to get the opportunity to "finish what you started". Think of the new stories you will have on your return in early Summer. Stay safe.

  4. All I can say is "oh, wow"! Hope you are thinking seriously about a book citing all these adventures. Take care - Stay safe.


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