
Saturday May 25, 20204 Graduation

 Hello all Graduation night!!  Wow.  Two young ladies and one gentleman.  I didn't know any of them, as I wasn't teaching the senior grades.  I also don't really know anything about them, where they are from, their parents or relatives.  But I must tell you it was the most dramatic graduation I have ever witnessed. About 200 villagers, and youth gathered in the decorated gym about 4:00 PM, this Saturday afternoon.  The graduates came into the space  where everyone was standing, clapping and cheering.  They took their seats, and the principal began the ceremony. There wasn't a sound as she spoke. She told the audience how proud she was of the students, and how their hard work, commitment to study, and regular school attendance  had paid off.  One by one each graduate was introduced by a parent, teacher, and a mother and daughter team.  It was clear that these speakers were bursting with pride as they introduced their graduate.  They all spoke in Inuktitut, and each speak

Friday April 26, 2024

 Happy Spring----- Well, it is like spring when the snow melts, and the road turns to ice--but we are far from the southern version.  Today, we expect the annual May blizzard with winds up to 100 k, snow fall up to 10 cm, and winter for another month!!  Having said this, the ice is breaking up, and we can now see the ocean, now that is a good sign for sure!! I would like to share the amazing activity of the cross country ski expedition.  All school in Nunavik participate.  Staff members are sent to a training in Montreal early in the year.  They learn all about such trips including first aid, meal preparation, navigation, cross country skiing pulling a sled with sleeping bags, food, tents and other necessary items.  They come back from this training and meet with students from grade 8-12 to let them know about it, and to invite them to participate.  Over the year, the students meet weekly train, and form friendships.  The actual event takes place in April, and when the weather looks go

Saturday April 6, 2024

  Good morning: I don't know why, but it takes about a day before the pictures I take make it to google pictures!! The ice fishing trip yesterday was so wonderful.  We all gathered at the school at the usual time.  At 9:45, we were all invited to go outside to board our transport to the frozen fishing spot.  It was about 20 below, with a hefty wind blowing--though the sun was shining and it was a cloudless sky.  I got to ride with the Director, on the super hot ski doo along with the auger, and the one of the several rifles that also came along for protection from the polar bears and other wild life. We made sure all the children were dressed properly.  Sometimes some kids arrive with not hats or gloves.  We scurried around to find the necessary items, and away we went. Travelling on the snow mobile is kind of like riding on a motor cycle--but not so smooth.  When you are on the frozen ocean, in Hudson Straight, the surface is very bumpy, and you see ice sculptures made by nature a

Friday April 5, 2024

 Greetings all! I can hardly believe that spring break has come and gone--it was everything and more then I had planned.  It was so wonderful visiting friends, playing music, and eating fresh fruit and vegetables!!  And, already, one week in the my final teaching term.  Yes!!  Don't let me breathe a word about coming back north again!!  You have my permission to call my doctor and tell him to dis allow it!! The trip back was great until we flew from Montreal to Puv.  That was a horror show.  We ended up staying in the hotel there, but no transport to the 1 restaurant where a beer cost $20, and  glass of wine, $25!!  We earned the drinks by walking the 3 k there and back in blowing snow, at 20 below.   The following day, we had to sit at the airport, with no food from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.  I was lucky to get out with one other teacher first, on a 16 seater cargo plane with fold down seats.  The others were stranded until 8:00 pm that night!! It was a very eventful week, though, and f