
Showing posts from May, 2024

Saturday May 25, 20204 Graduation

 Hello all Graduation night!!  Wow.  Two young ladies and one gentleman.  I didn't know any of them, as I wasn't teaching the senior grades.  I also don't really know anything about them, where they are from, their parents or relatives.  But I must tell you it was the most dramatic graduation I have ever witnessed. About 200 villagers, and youth gathered in the decorated gym about 4:00 PM, this Saturday afternoon.  The graduates came into the space  where everyone was standing, clapping and cheering.  They took their seats, and the principal began the ceremony. There wasn't a sound as she spoke. She told the audience how proud she was of the students, and how their hard work, commitment to study, and regular school attendance  had paid off.  One by one each graduate was introduced by a parent, teacher, and a mother and daughter team.  It was clear that these speakers were bursting with pride as they introduced their graduate.  They all spoke in Inuktitut, and each speak