
Showing posts from November, 2023

Yikes, 5 weeks until the Christmas Concert

 Greetings everyone What a week!!  As you all probably know, the public sector workers in Quebec are striking for a 20 % pay hike over 5 years--good luck.  I am such a worker, so we were out last Sunday from midnight until 10:30 in the morning.  We walked through the village for an hour making noise, and carrying the signs.  Bargaining is happening, but in the event a resolution is not reached, we go out for 3 days.  What happens after that is anyone's guess. It was also a week of Inuit celebration.  Tuesday was International Inuit Day, and today, Friday November 10th, is the recognition day for the signing of the James Bay Agreement with the federal government.  This document assures the Inuit of self governance.   Last year, the school published a book of stories as told by some elders.  It was published in Inuktitut, and it won a national award.  Yesterday, a couple of elders came to school and told more stories.  This year a book will be published in all three languages. The la

It is already November!!

This week in pictures!! This little boy comes every day!  On Friday, he was the only one, so we had fun playing math, reading, and then finishing up by making the toasted cheese sandwich!!  He loves this class. On my way home from an evening practice, I finally saw the Northern Lights.  I practice every evening from 7:00-8:00 pm.  It is a nice outing, just 5 minutes away.  However, it would be so nice, in a perfect world, to practice at home!!! Halloween night--everyone arrived at our door between 4 and 6 pm.  During the day, we had 15 minute sessions that the groups rotated through.  It was great.  I got to meet every child in the school--about 90. This was our activity--crafts.  most little kids just wanted to colour--the older students were interested in colour mixing, and pastel work--they did a very good job. This is the combined French and English grade 3 and 4 group. These are the 3 out of 4 students I deal with. This little girl is really coming around. Our drinking water at sc