
Showing posts from June, 2023

June 2, 2023, Farewell Kangirsuk!

 June 2, 2023 Hello all, and farewell Kangirsuk!! In the words of my dear friend, Sandy, at his retirement, " I am free, free at last!"  Wow, does it ever feel good!!  On some days, I thought this ordeal would never end, but it did.  And, I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to serve here in the north.  As I have told you all many times, it is the most challenging thing I have ever done--but hey-save the best for last.   I have been trying to pinpoint the underlying cause of the challenge, and I guess their is no one reason.  It is very complex, and really no one has the magic wand that will be the silver bullet.  It is all about time, healing and the will to heal, and it will take generations. Today we had a beautiful year end picnic out "on the land", as people say, and I had a lovely chat with our vice principal, Winnie Grey, who has taken the helm of the ship, with the sudden, and unexpected departure of the principal at Easter time.  Winnie's 14 year