
Showing posts from December, 2022

Sunday December 4, 2022

 Hello Welcome to winter--and I understand old man winter has visited the sunny side of Canada too!! We have just come through a 3 day blizzard with winds of up to 100 miles an hour, blowing snow and drifting snow.  Yes, there is a difference.  Blowing snow is when it is falling and blowing.  Drifting can happen when the wind blows it across the landscape.  All three can happen at the same time making any kind of outdoor activity, including walking, extremely dangerous.  I have no idea how the Inuit of past gone days ever lived or survived here.  Yes, they had the ice houses--but they had to build them--and what kept them warm--not a stick of wood anywhere--so they had to depend on the whale oil or seal oil--not exactly something you could buy at the local Hudson's  Bay Store!!   With school closed on Friday, I invited my Inuit neighbour in for coffee.  She is the kindergarten teacher.  She is about 45, has three children, is divorced, and lives here on her own.  Her ex is in Montr