
Showing posts from November, 2021

Wed. November 3, 2021

 Hi all It is official.  All school staff will be evacuated out by charter on November 8.  There is nothing that can be done about the ongoing pandemic except to let it run its course.  The health system is strained to capacity, so it is better that we are gone.  We have been asked to give up our homes to health and police who will be brought in to help the community recover.  Of course!  Is there a question--not at all. In the meantime, I am packing up a few things, and will be allowed in school to tidy up the classroom.  But, I intend on returning when it is safe--and who knows when that will be. We are now into winter--just like being on the top of a ski mountain!  An Inuit friend said what I consider a blizzard is a mere snow fall! The snow fall has stopped now, after 36 hours, and the wind is blowing about 100 miles an hour.  The whole house is shaking--it feels like an earthquake--all houses are supported on steel supports. My plan is to return to the Comox valley for a few days,